Training I offer

Instrument Rating Training

Already have your private pilots certificate already and want to be able to fly in clouds and not be limited? I can give you the required training needed to earn an instrument rating add on to either your private or commercial certificate.

Private Pilot Training

Have no or little flight experience and want to earn your private pilot certificate? This is the course for you! You will learn everything that is needed to know both on the ground and in the air to pass the check ride and become a pilot.

Commercial Pilot Training

Already have your private pilot certificate and instrument rating? I offer the needed training for you to acquire your commercial pilot certificate.

Flight Review

If it has been two years since you last did a flight review or passed a check ride you are in need of a flight review. I provide the ground and flight training needed to get you flying again.

Complex and High Performance Endorsements

Want to fly an airplane with more than two hundred horsepower or an airplane with flaps, retractable gear, and a constant speed propeller? I provide the ground and flight training needed for you to act as PIC in one of these airplanes.

Mountain Checkout

Never flown near high peaks? Never landed at an airport with high density altitude? With a quick trip to Tahoe and back you will gain the experience and knowledge needed to operate an airplane at higher altitudes near mountains and be able to take off and land at a high density altitude airport.